Dustin & Taylor | The Grand Ivory | Evening Wedding

I had the special opportunity to capture my little brother’s wedding this past spring. I can’t tell you how nervous I was to shoot this wedding. Andrew was not able to join me for their big day, so I was shooting the wedding alone. I kept on fearing that I would all of sudden I would forget how to even take a good picture or that I would take all out of focus shots. It is crazy what your brain will try to tell you when you are nervous. But thankfully, on my end, everything went well! I am so honored to have captured their day!
Besides the wedding nerves, we were all watching the weather like a hawk. The clouds were rolling in and you could feel the humidity in the air. I was so impressed with Taylor and Dustin. Of course you do not want it to rain on your wedding day, but they both were SO positive and kind. It did rain, hard. But miracles of miracles, it broke for the ceremony & portraits. 
Their wedding was truly worth waiting for. All of the thoughtful touches. Even though it rained  (but I guess it’s somewhat of a tradition, it rained on my wedding day too), it was truly one of the most beautiful and happy days of my life. I am so happy for my brother. I could not have picked a better woman for him. Taylor is truly so beautiful, inside & out.
Congrats to The Courtney’s! 

Venue: The Grand Ivory
Lines: AM Linen Rental
Car Rental: DFW Classic Car Rental
Florals: Always in love weddings
Hair: Meagan Ranee
Makeup: Make me up summer
Brides Silk Flowers: @the.rosewood.home
Invite suit: Lauren Robers Clements

Also, wanted to note that our Dad married Taylor and Dustin. <3  two of the flower girls are our nieces. Nothing was sweeter than being surrounded by family.

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