Where do we begin? We met these two beautiful souls last year. We all instantly clicked. We had been so excited for Michelle & Chris’s wedding as we got to know them and their story. These two people are incredible. I *highly* recommend stalking Michelle’s dog training business on IG after you browse their wedding photos. (see her website, here)
Michelle and Chris have been together, forever. I didn’t realize how long they had been together until I became friends with them on facebook, and I got to see for myself how long they have been together based on their profile pics. I honestly was not surprised that they had been together forever before they wed. They are so easy together. They have an ease that one has with someone that truly knows them.
There were a few moments from their wedding that I will never forget. As someone who has walked through the deep path of grief, I feel like I am very sensitive to moments that feel like they were sent from the other side. I knew coming into their day, that Michelle & Chris wanted to honor their late dog, Cake, and her late Father. As soon as I arrived to Michelle’s cottage, I caught wind of the amazing smell of her bouquet. She shared with me that she told her florist the colors she wanted, but wanted her florist to choose the flowers and let her creative energy flow. She was stunned that the florist had chosen the flowers that they had at her Dad’s service. I instantly got the chills. As the day went on, we got other signs. As we were waiting for the ceremony to start, I noticed a black hummingbird. I felt like it was really odd to see a hummingbird in the area that we were in. There weren’t any flowers around besides the flowers that were on the arbor. Other guests started noticing the hummingbird go to the exact flowers that Michelle had mentioned. Throughout the ceremony the hummingbird would go up to the arbor as Michelle & Chris would say their vows to one another. I noticed that Michelle noticed the hummingbird too. I knew that it was not a coincidence that the hummingbird was there. It was a beautiful gift from Heaven to the bride and groom.
The evening was full of delicious food, champaign flowing, and lots of dancing. Michelle and Chris had a beautiful energy about them the whole day. I caught them just soaking it in. Thats all I could ask for our clients, to soak in the day. Relish & savor the moment.
Congrats again!

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