Wow, what a year we had! I feel like each year moves faster but yet slower? I don’t know, time is interesting. We had so many personal and business wins last year!
Business wins:
- We were voted one of the top wedding photographers on Richmond Magazine’s A- list! It was such an honor and we are so thankful for those who voted for us!
- We captured 42 fall mini sessions this fall. It was such a joy to see so many familiar faces and to meet new families as well!
- We extended a leg of our business and started capturing headshots. More on that soon!
- This year we continued to pursue film photography and bringing that more into our wedding side of our business. Film has brought so much excitement for us! We are so thankful for those who have added that onto their wedding investment!
Personal updates:

photo by Sarah Mattozzi Photography
- Our daughter turned one last winter, and that felt like such a game changer. No longer a small baby, we had a toddler on our hands. I feel like it has been such a huge adjustment for us being stay at home parents and full time business owners. We are often changing our approach to our weekday work to help balance the needs of our child and our business. I still feel like we are just hanging on by a thread! But, maybe that is parenthood for you? Never feeling like you are doing it “right.” We are so thankful to be at home with her and to be so hands on with her. It is such a gift.
- This was year two in our home, and we are slowly doing projects on our house. Our home was a much loved home by one family for 70 years. There were no changes on the home, which we love all of the vintage quirks of it! Andrew fixed up our bathroom and it looks so good. He is so talented at everything he does! This year we hope to get new windows in our sunroom, and start working on our dining room & phase 1 of our small galley kitchen!
- Andrew and I celebrated 9 years of marriage and 11 years together.

Here is a glimpse of where our business took us this year. We are so thankful for each and everyone of you who invested in our business. You are allowing us to live our dream! We are so thankful and honored.

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